Make Health a Priority in These Times if You Have Chronic Condition
Discover Wellbeing and boost YOUR own Wellness with at-home online personalised, bespoke meditation and Medical Therapeutic Yoga Sessions and Mental Health Support.
Get started with a yoga therapist
today so you can start
seeing results.
Life in Social Distancing can be stressful and isolating, and while the science shows that meditation can change your brain for the better, it can be challenging to motivate yourself to have a regular practice into your daily routine when there is so much anxiety and uncertainty.
Fill yourself up with the good stuff each week – like calm, confidence, motivation, and gratitude – that will help you tackle whatever these times bring.
What You will get:
Weekly 121 sessions with Vidhi Sadana, Clinical Yoga Therapist
Join Vidhi every week for a special, hour-long live session, where she will guide you through a bespoke Medical therapeutic yoga practice that will be individualised to suit YOUR needs and abilities for lasting well-being, and tell you how to apply it to your daily life.
121 Meditations to develop Five Strengths
Vidhi will guide YOU through meditations on one of the 5 Strengths for lasting well-being, and tell you how to apply and integrate them to your daily life by incorporating them into your medical therapeutic practice.
1) Self-Compassion: Kindness and understanding for the hard things in your life
2) Self-Care: Resting in the peacefulness of steady, open awareness
3) Motivation and Confidence: Releasing self-doubt and deepening your self-worth
4) Calm: Feeling balanced, centered, and relaxed
5) Gratitude: Finding thankfulness and joy even in the hardest times
121 mental Support through Yoga Psychology
Vidhi will provide you with key teachings from the yoga psychology offering mindful cognitive and behavioural strategies to cope with these uncertain times and guide you on how to integrate it into your daily life by incorporating it into your Medical Therapeutic Yoga Practice.
This program is being offered at half-price to help aid resilience-building during the Coronavirus pandemic. Discount ends 28/3.
Usual Price at £500
About Vidhi Sadana
Vidhi is a Clinical Yoga Therapist specialising in helping patients with chronic conditions and anxiety and depressions. She held first in UK pilot study of individualised medical therapeutic Yoga to patients with rheumatoid Arthritis and anxiety/Depression. The results were outstanding reductions in anxiety levels.
She was recently featured on BBC2 program “Trust me, I am doctor” Episode 6, where I collaborated with BBC 2, and London School of Hygiene and Topical Medicine to study the effects of yoga therapy on Blood Pressure and anxiety. Again along with the physical practice. She teaches first in the UK modular introductory course at Imperial College School of Medicine curriculum to educate doctors on how yoga psychology can help with the burden of chronic conditions and was awarded Inspiration award 2017 (Runners Up).
She delivers medical therapeutic yoga for the management of addiction in Rehab Clinics such as Promis Clinic as well as other trauma related physical and mental issues. She collaborates with consultants and General Physicians around West London to deliver Yoga Therapy as a complementary healing modality.
She also trains and mentor yoga teachers and yoga therapist in the tradition of Krishnamacharya and also is In-Service tutor for British Wheel of Yoga offering workshops on yoga psychology and other yoga related topics.
Flexible Schedules
Weekly LIVE Medical Session at a time that suits your routine of remote working with Vidhi
Personal Therapy
Bespoke Medical Therapeutic Yoga practice designed especially to suit your individual need, chronic condition, abilities and context.
Evidence Based Solutions
All sessions will use the same evidence based medical therapeutic yoga practice proven to be successful for patients with chronic conditions and published in peer reviewed journals.
"Introducing Yoga practices into everyday life can lead to developing a more positive outlook in life. It has helped me control the unconscious thoughts, and negative emotions and has taught me how to take care of my body. Vidhi is a very experienced and patient teacher and would recommend trialling yoga as an alternative therapy to help with any illness."- medical Therapeutic yoga patient
Get Your Body and Mind To Where You Want Them To Be In These Uncertain Times!
2020. All rights reserved